
Saturday, June 1, 2013

Are you an Architect with a Mission?

Arcism is a networked advocacy-centered organization conceptualized to have an integrated teams of Architects, Engineers, Builders, Eco-Scientist and Eco-Advocates who believes in the creative force of the collective wisdom of preserving our Mother Nature and Architectural Identity.

Our aim is to organize into integrated practices, cross-office and practice exchange to create a lasting value for all our clients, customers, industry leaders, and entrepreneurs. Arcism is in war against mediocrity, lack of empathy towards the environment.

This architectural philosophical concept was a critical of the status quo. We are on the right hand path that pleads the cause of change to each individual, organizations and government agencies.

Every Architect or Designer, if decided to go "Arcismic" should embrace an advocacy and revolutions. We use a lot of social networks and as well as physical networks to push our environmental and aesthetic agendas.

Aristotle Reyes Muta is a practicing architect who advocates arcismic principles. He is the vision initiator, concept developer, strategist and collaborator. His arcismic concept of design and architecture will redefine the trend, not only how we design, but more-so, how we think. He advocates more than being "green" and "sustainable" by applying the eight essence of arcism.

More info from the site

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